
Sabtu, 18 Februari 2012

Facebook Password Stealer 2012

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Facebook Password Stealer 2012
  • Steal Facebook Account Password
  • Updating The Software
  • 4.63 MB

The first thing you should do is check for updates. when there are updates available then click on install, if no are updates are available then you need to do anything. Now you must find a email and then past it on the textbox, then click on Hack Button and wait until it finishes. If it succeeded, you will get a password, if you don't get the password then restart the program and try again. Always check for updates.
The software in the video is updated on 23/10/2011 or 10/23/2011. The software can updated to newer version if you have downloaded this.

How To Download
1) A survey will appear to verify that you are a human and not a bot, 
this is to protect the number of file downloads.
2) Simply fill in a short free survey and then download the file.
3) Once you fill the survey, the download will start, just wait for it and
Save the archive to your desktop.

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